HolmMade Nutrition®, LLC - Where Weight Loss & Life Transformation Begin
Looking to lose weight and KEEP it off? Tired of feeling poorly?
I help people lose weight and feel better!
No two people are the same. Are you tired of "Dr. Google"
to figure out what to eat and ready for professional help?
As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a
Certificate of Training in Adult Weight Management, I can help!​
Check out Services or Schedule a Free Clarity call to get started!
Breastfeeding/ Lactation Help is Available!
I help moms and babies with...
Lactation and Breastfeeding
Building or Maintaining Adequate Milk Supply
Reducing Crying and Maintaining Sanity
Latch issues related to tongue-tie, both before and after correction
Transitioning to a Bottle
Achieving painless feedings
Stopping or avoiding formula
Are you tired of the 2 a.m. tears, either yours or your baby's?
Did breastfeeding get off to a rough start, or perhaps you want to make sure it doesn't?
Are you concerned your baby may have a tongue or lip tie that is affecting feedings?
Are your nipples bleeding or misshapen after feeds?
Is baby crying or fussy a lot?
Is your baby sleepy and not interested in feeding?
Are you concerned about your milk supply? Are you hoping to return to work and need to know how to get your baby to take a bottle?
Is baby biting you?
Are you trying to figure out how to wean your baby?
Feeding your baby should be enjoyable and painless! I would love to help you have the best experience possible.
Schedule a consult directly for lactation!
My focus is specifically on helping make breastfeeding a positive happy experience and helping moms be successful at reaching their goals.
For breastfeeding moms: If it has been a painful journey for you, or one of a constant struggle for enough milk, you have come to the right place! I help many moms who have tried "everything" and often have also sought professional help, without improvement.
Schedule a lactation consult.
Are you frustrated with breastfeeding and ready to switch to formula?
Do you feel like your baby is nursing all the time?
Is your baby crying a lot?
Are you tired of pumping? Or tired of using a nipple shield, that you are not even sure you need?
Is nursing painful?
Are you sleep-deprived or struggling to maintain your sanity?
Are you worried about your milk-supply?
Is your baby tongue-tied or too sleepy to nurse?
Is your pediatrician concerned because your baby is not gaining enough weight or gaining fast enough?
I am here to help you!
I understand the need for moms to get sleep and have happy, healthy babies who are not constantly crying! Breastfeeding is a wonderful experience when it goes right, but can be downright frustrating and difficult when problems occur. It should be pain free and ideally joyous. Most people can successfully breastfeed.
My desire is to help moms achieve the goals they desire with a broad range of breastfeeding areas, whether it is breastfeeding for the short or long term, losing their pregnancy weight, getting decent sleep, or managing their blood sugars while breastfeeding. I love to see children hitting their developmental milestones and achieve their best health!
My Breastfeeding Story
I do not want to scare moms away from a beautiful healthy breastfeeding experience. Quite the contrary. Some moms have instant breastfeeding joy and ease that lasts the duration of their breastfeeding. However, sometimes life does not go as planned. As an avid believer in the importance and value of breastfeeding, I was personally unprepared for how challenging breastfeeding would be for me. I somehow expected my first baby to intuitively know how to breastfeed, but my initial experience was not that way. In fact, he was sleepy from birth and did not seem to care to feed at all and I had to start out with pumping--not feeding at the breast at all. When he finally did breastfeed, I ended up in pain and bleeding, and then dealt with engorgement and later recurrent mastitis. I remember trying to nurse him at 2 a.m. one day early after his birth, in pain and in tears, ready to go out and buy formula. Thankfully, a dear friend who was a certified lactation consultant came the next day and helped me with some great tips that made breastfeeding painless! That was not the end to all my issues, but I did learn to have wonderful sweet breastfeeding experiences, painless as they should be, and enjoyable--usually. After all the challenges I personally have experienced with breastfeeding, I do not want any other mom to go through what I did and be in tears at 2 a.m. because of not having enough milk, or be in pain, or endure a fussy baby or wanting to nurse constantly, etc., and not know where to turn. I have loved being that resource for moms and babies and am passionate about supporting others to have a beautiful bonding enjoyable experience and avoid the pain and suffering I went through!
***Schedule a consult now!